Sunday, December 13, 2009

Aion Kinah Cheats

Kinah is the main monetary unit of Aion. Below the way you get easy kinah (Kinah Cheats):

Sell Gears Made to Look Like Top Abyss Gear

Using AP, you can get parts of the Green HolySpirit series (Elyos) or EvilSpirit series (Asmodian). These of course, you use to change the skins of other gears. Reason being, that these skins look exactly like the lvl 50 Orange gear, and also has a light-emitting effect. Thats right, these items skins are as same as the strongest Abyss Gear (this is advantageous in PvP, as there is less motivation to attack characters with PvP sets on). Once you make a skin change with this item, that skin changed gear becomes tradable. These are sold to players at a high price (probably on third-party trading forums, as you cannot immediately know the skin just by looking at the name).

Using DP and Od, Make High-Priced Materials

If you hunt around a bit you?ll gain DP, and with it you can make Aether-type of materials into other materials. All morphing requires 200 DP, and the only thing different is what grade of the Aether it requires. Therefore, if you morph it into the expensive materials, you will gain profit. If you gather the Aethers yourself, you will gain that much more profit.You must pick out which materials are best to morph into by comparing prices. You can gain Morph Designs at an NPC in Abyss Castles.

Break Up Gears to Make and Sell Enchantment Stones

If you gathered enough money to buy a Unique-Grade gear, search for a good priced one at the Broker merchant. After that, once you use extraction kit on it you will get enchantment stones, and sell these back to get some cash. If you are lucky, you will get a high lvl enchantment stone, and can net you a big profit. Or you can make gear just so you can break them into Enchantment stones, and this may net you profit as well.

But before that you must know something. Legendary can give you upto 20 higher / Unique can give you upto 40 higher enchantment stones. But heres the thing! Say you?ve extracted a lvl 45 legendary and got a lvl 43 stone. Then next you must go buy the most expensive Unique gear and extract from it. The reason being, theres a specific chance to each character for Crafting/Upgrading/Extraction. Therefore, if you?ve got a lower lvl enchantment stone from a gear, there is a chance that you?ll get a higher lvl enchantment stone from your next extraction (80% and higher).

Gather Useless Manastones and Turn Them into Expensive Ones

Using Alchemy, you can make lower grade manastones into higher. The most sought stones, Critical Hit and Attack, are sold at high prices. However, the other manastones come at a very low price. Buy these cheap stones, and turn them randomly into attack and critical hit types of manastones using the Manastone Exchange Quests. Even tho these come out to be low grade, you should turn them into higher grade stones and make profit from that. Buy masses of these, then you have to exchange these by traveling to various zones which can get annoying. But if you overcome this, you will see good profit.

This method uses the Manastone NPC in Interdiktah. She turns your trash manastones into useful ones with 2 Manastone Quests at lvl 29.
The first quest requires: +50 HP, +18 Accuracy, and +18 Shield Defense
The second quest requires: +50MP, +10 Parry, and +18 Parry. Many users don?t even bother with manastones other than +2 attack and +10 Crit, so they are lying on the private stores or on the Brokers for 300-ish.

bought 100 of each type. Then after 200 of the repeat quest, gained

+5 Flight Time: 3 in quantity (worth about 80-120k ea): about 240k
+2 Attack: 34 in quantity (about 7-8k ea): about 240k
+10 Crit: 28 in quantity (about 7-9k ea): about 200k

Other than that, I got some +75 HP and other scrub ones.
While the manastone purchase cost was about 160k, the reward manastones themselves are worth about 680k. Within 1 hour to 1h30m of repeat questing, I gained about 540k! Through Alchemy and using 31 highest grade Catalysts (about 5k ea, 150k total), 4 of +15 Crit, 6 of +5 Attack manastone crit? even tho it depends on when you sell them, at the time I sold my manastones I got about 1,680,000 kinah.