Master of the elements, Mages have cast aside any physical strength for a powerful mastery of magic, allowing them to deal out an incredible assortment of powerful attacks. From bolts of lighting to freezing ice, the Mage can summon powerful spells to attack a large number of foes.
Because Mages are vulnerable, it is important for them to avoid any direct combat. Mages should never travel alone through Atreia, but instead should be guarded by a powerful melee companion, such as the Warrior. If the Mage does find themselves at risk of direct combat, they have spells that allow them to bind their enemies to the spot, giving the Mage a perfect window for escape.
Once a Mage hits level 10, they can choose either the Sorcerer or Spiritmaster specializations.
Instead of simply summoning the elements, Spiritmasters have learned to control and tame the elements. Spiritmasters have mastered the ability to summon elemental allies who do their bidding, giving them companions that can both attack enemies and defend the Spritmaster from foes.
While a Spiritmaster's initial elemental summons are weak in nature due to the low level of the spells, they will progress to stronger and more powerful summons as the Spiritmaster continues to strengthen their spells. For that reason, it is perhaps most important that Spiritmasters receive constant defense from their allies during their lower levels until their summons become powerful enough to take on the role of bodyguard.
Whatever the Mage can do, the Sorcerer can do it better. Through lengthy training, the Sorcerer has learned to draw upon some of the most devastating elemental attacks possible. Walls of flame, blizzards of ice, and massive boulders are only but a handful of the powerful spells that the Sorceror has at his or her disposal. With these immense attacks, the Sorcerer can do an incredible amount of damage to a group before they even see the attack coming.
Like the Mage and Spiritmaster, the Sorcerer is not a very physical class. Because spellbooks don't make for good melee weapons, the Mage requires protection from enemies, and will find it difficult to hold his own if directly attacked.