Aion has several unique game elements that cannot be found in other MMO games.
Slash Commands
A list of in-game slash commands. These commands aid the player in not only communicating and loot distribution, but also allows the player to see system information more readily.
A list of in-game emotes. These commands allow your character to become animated while expressing emotions, directions, and showing off.
There are six different crafting skills which allow you to craft various items. You can reach the skill level of 399 with all six crafting skills however, you can only choose one skill to reach the max level with. The different crafting skills to choose from include Alchemy, Cooking, Handicrafting, Sewing, Weapon Smithing and Armor Smithing.
With Patch 1.5: Once you have mastered a craft, you can do a quest that will allow you to master a second craft.
-From the patch notes:
Ultimate Expert crafting quests have been added. You can become an expert of one type of crafting while already being an expert in another. Crafters can be an expert of two types of crafting in total. After becoming a master of one type of crafting, you can acquire the Best Master quest in order to become a master of another craft.
Divine Power
Divine Power is earned by killing monsters or enemy players. Daeva, the player's character, can make use of Divine Power in combat, for crafting and for various other actions.
Dual Wield
There are three classes that may use dual wield, or use two weapons at once.
Flying forms an integral part of the gameplay of Aion. It can be used as both a mode of transportation and a way to conduct combat. However only certain area's allow full flight, but most areas allow gliding which is useful if used off a cliff. Each player starts with 1 minute of flight time which is visible on the UI next to your radar. Items potions and skills can affect flight time, speed and special powers while in flight.
Raw materials can be gathered in order to craft them into items. Your character's ability and success rate are determined by the difference between your skill level and the level of the materials.
Aion employs the stigma system to enable characters to add unique skills to their character. Skills can be equipped by equipping stigma stones in stigma slots.
Engage in massive PvPvE battles as your faction battles for control of an Abyss Fortress. Players will not only have to deal with the rival faction during many raids, but the server-controlled Balaur as well.