Aion contains a wide range of weapons, from old-fashioned swords to magic weapons like orbs. In total, nearly 5,000 different weapons can be acquired.
Long-range weapons
The bow, a two-handed weapon, is the only long-range weapon. Bows can differ greatly in appearance, from longbows to bows and from wooden bows to metal bows.
Magic weapons
Magic weapons are typically used one-handed, and can deal magic attacks. This category includes orbs, spellbooks and staffs.
Orbs come in several forms, usually as orb or jewel embedded into a gauntlet. Used as a form of melee for spell casters.
Spellbooks deal magic damage by casting spells. Compared to orbs, spellbooks do less damage but have more defensive properties.
Staffs are two-handed weapons, used to inflict a wide range of damage.
One-handed weapons
One-handed weapons can be used on their own or for dual wielding. The category includes axes. daggers, maces and one-handed swords.
Although there is no in-game category of axe weapons, several axes were added (as other weapon types). This section lists all axes, with the original weapon type.
Aion offers around three hundred daggers. All of them are one-handed weapons, usable in either hand.
The mace category includes mace, hammers and warhammers and contains over 300 weapons.
The one-handed variety of swords in Aion are one-handed swords, or shortswords.
Aion Tools
The hoe is a tool, rather than a weapon, but in Aion it is treated as a weapon. There are only a limited number of hoes in the game.
Similar to hoes, picks technically function as weapons in Aion. This category also only contains a small number of items.
Two-handed weapons
The two-handed weapons are powerful but cannot be used for dual wielding. The category includes polearms and two-handed swords, and the hoe tool.
The polearm category includes spears and polearms, which are all two-handed weapons.
Aion's two-handed swords, or greatswords, also form a large category of weapons.