Sunday, January 10, 2010

Asmodian Chain Spy Quest of Betoni Gold Weapon

Guide created by Foxy of Aionsource forums.

1. Find rift. Bel’s roof is the best one for this, as the quest dialogue suggests.
2. Use Locate function and talk to npc.
3. Complete quest with the help of Locate.
4. Turn in quest.
5. Go back to Betoni.
6. Find rift.
7. Complete quest with the help of dancing bears.
8. Go back to Betoni.

What you need is a well composed party that can handle pvp while killing elites, a nice kisk spot and a bit of luck that high levels aren’t going to make it difficult. I also recommend speed scrolls, ap pots, dispel pots, and having explored the top right quadrant of Heiron.

You might find that an alliance of high level elyos are killing one of the npcs you have to talk to. Go hide. Sometimes you’ll know when they killed it because someone got a gold item with the npc’s name on it.
Aion Tips for Rifting

Note: Guide created by Tiaga of Aionsource forums.

* Don’t wait for others to find the rift for you. Learn the rift locations, and how to get to them quickly to check.
Too often I see people spending a half hour asking in chat where the rifts are, when they could search all the places they could use in a few minutes. Notice that I said all they could use. Rifts have a level range, and typically if you are within the level range of the low level rifts, you will have trouble getting to the rifts with higher level caps, not to mention trouble getting out on the other side. I find that when you are in the level range for a region, typically there are 3-4 rifts that you can reasonably expect to use.
* Learn when rifts change. (Hint: It’s the same time as the fortress vulnerability changes, so you can open the Abyss map and mouse over a fortress to find out the next change.)
Some rifts are very popular and will be used up very quickly. Others are in spots the other side will find them quickly, and there will likely be campers once they figure it out.
* There is strength in numbers! But large forces also attract more attention quicker.
As a scout type, I found I had the best luck solo. I didn’t draw too much attention, I could be in and out of places quickly, and any reports on my location were liable to be all over the map and confusing. However, if I met any significant opposition I either had to go the other way, or I died. On the other hand a large force tends to draw out the natives to defend their land more than a few do. In my opinion, a small group tends to be the best option.
* Keep moving!
You know all those reports you hear people making about the location of enemy players? Oddly enough, they do that too. Once you run across ANY player (Even in some cases bots) assume everyone now has a nice little X on their map where you were spotted.
* Pay attention to the level of creatures.
Both because you may need to fight them or run if you attack them or for quests, and because players in that area are likely to be somewhat close to that level.
* Bring a kisk!
I try to keep a group kisk with me at all times in case I end up somewhere I’ll need it. Though somehow it always seems to end up in the bank when I need it. If you die on enemy land without a kisk, you will end up back on your home turf and you might not be able to get back. Don’t count on someone in your group rezzing you, because they may end up dead too.
* Don’t put your kisk somewhere stupid.
If you’re lucky, it would be destroyed. If you’re unlucky, they won’t touch it and will instead wait for something to come out, and get an easy kill when it does. Finding the right place can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know the landscape or what quests people would be doing and where they have to go for it.
* Don’t sit with your kisk too long! And don’t run back to it if you need to flee.
It doesn’t stick out on the minimap, but you do. If they see your dot and come after you, they will probably see it.
* Remember that you are not alone.
Other players are likely rifting as well. You have zone-wide general chat available to you the same as any other place.
* If you are near enemy players, they can see what you do in their chat box.
Obviously they see you talking and emotes, though the speech is garbled. However they can also see you doing other abilities. Even buffing up or going into hide shows up to enemies, and can be a tip off to an alert player that you are near.

Aion Online making Guild Emblem Guide

The design needs to be 256×256 pixel and has to be named emblem.bmp (24bit) or emblem.tga (32bit) and be located in your main Aion folder.

Your best shot at a good logo is to have a transparent background and saving the logo as a 32bit .tga file. The latest Photoshop versions changed the way they handle .tga files. So if you use Photoshop, your best bet is to create the logo, save the .psd and then load it with Gimp (a free program) and save the .tga from there. Or you can create it with Gimp from the start, but I still prefer Photoshop. If you do not have or can afford Photoshop, Gimp works very well for this.

Download Gimp for Free

If you want to use an older version of Photoshop, you will have to create a transparent alpha channel to get the transparency to work in Aion.

Step 1

Start your guild emblem design at 256×256 pixels but at 300 resolution so that it is larger and easier to detail and edit. Make sure the new file has a transparent background and is RBG Color at 8 bit.


Step 2

Create your design (feel free to view my sample emblems following this tutorial)
**note that the design will be very small on the cloak and extreme detail will not convert well to the small cloak**


Step 3

Save your file as a .psd file and open it in Gimp

Step 4

Once opened in Gimp, Go to File > Save As >

name your emblem: emblem.tga and save it to your Aion folder

Save as TarGA image


Another window opens up if you have multiple layers, make sure the bottom layer is transparent if you don’t want a box in your emblem.


Another window opens up after that with an RLE Compresion checkbox.

Aion Elyos Basic Guide

Follow this nice & tidy post by Qetesh if you want more good basic info, including map location for “Tutty” and “Anchient Cube”.

1. “Tutty”
is the piggy BBQ in the small camp uphill, NW of mine area (check link).
2. “Ancient Cube”
is a small box laying on the ground in NE part of the mine, bit NW from Cauldron (check link)
3. Character creation :
Take your time to get your appearance right. In the end you’ll be covered in gear and only see your nose from time to time depending on your class, but still. There are options later on to change your appearance and gender (involving RL cash). Go ugly, go beauty or anything in between. Just please, no more Poon (image by Karrasx)
4. New char login:
Everyone has their own routine after logging in-game for the 1st time with new character (settings are not universal, ie. each character slot has own settings). Here’s my checklist in no particular order. Go over everything in options (at least once). I can’t remember most of the real names / terms on tabs.

a. move HUD to top of screen, show FPS, disable showing my own name
b. disable profanity filter, show all extra quick bars (2+1), show target of target,
c. disable auto-approach, disable full screen skill effects (priest +lightning = strobe),
d. disable casting sounds, keybind auto-forward (mouse4), select nearest ally (§),
e. keybind quickslots ctrl + 1 (Q), ctrl +2 (E), toggle flight /land (mouse5), didnt actually test this one but might involve dragging the action to a free quickslot +keybind to mouse
f. set chat text to small, drag the combat log to bottom-right, resize both to fit. Join -language channel.
g. create chat radar, lock chat-windows to place (Guide: Avoiding Unwanted PvP in Aion )
h. arrange the starting items / skills to my preference around qbars + mandatory emotes (salute, sorry , clap, …) to the side.
5. harvesting:
while doing the 1st three quests in Newbland (plenty of guides and video material for that in these forums), be sure to start your harvesting habit, even if you’re never ever going to craft a thing. You’ll need to skill up harvesting to 15 during the first area for a quest. And if you get the skill to 10 before entering the 1st actual village you’ll also have one quest done beforehand (collect 10 Aria). The area around 3rd quest-NPC you’ll encounter is great area to level harvesting up to 15-20 in 5 minutes of running around.
6. Bind:
when entering Akarios Village, remember to bind there by the Obelisk on your left. As you level up and move to the next camp (Outpost), bind there (ie. bind in the area you’re doing your quests mostly, you can always run / fly / teleport to other areas if needed)
7. “Tutty”
is the poor-dead-roasting-on-fire-piggy BBQ in the small camp uphill, NW in mines area.
8. skillbooks:
always anticipate the coming level-up. When in town, visit your trainer and buy the skillbooks for next level in advance so you can keep on questing when the Ding hits you.
9. healing:
if you can’t heal, get bandages by the dozens. If you can afford it (in few levels) keep a steady supply of HP/MP (if needed) potions too. And the food /drinks are great temp buff too, thou I tend to forget that often.
10. rest:
sitting down is not resting (/sit = conjure up the chair and sit). The default key for actual rest is comma “,”. In the first 10levels resting is pretty fast way to regenerate.
11. more damage:
power shards (+10 dmg) help, but in the beginning you’re always going to run out of them. A stack of 1000 costs big pennies for beginners. Using them “as needed” helps a lot and won’t waste them on every single fight.
12. save you pennies:
mainly from Priest / Mage side of things, don’t waste your money on weapons and armors. For melee’s it may be a good idea to keep both up to level, but you’ll end up with replacements soon enough during first 10levels.
13. plan ahead:
Side note to Clerics (Priests): whenever you get a change to select a Chain armor as quest reward, do so. You’ll be wearing them at lvl 10 in no time.
14. chatting:
keep the public channels in their original language please. For EN servers, use English if you can. If you can’t, join a language channel of your choice and hammer away with the questions. Nothing wrong with looking for help in your native language in region chat etc. but keep it civilized and respect the majority. Side note: the class-channels are great way to gain insight & tips to your chosen class.
15. chat-link:
LFG channel (/3) is great to find help for specific quests. You can link a quest from your questlog with CTRL +right click. Works on things in your inventory or vendors too btw.
16. shopping preview:
CTRL + left click is for item preview (only your inventory or vendor, probably for private shops too)
17. LFG:
in the social window (defaut = V) there’s a button on bottom left “Group Request” (forgot the actual buttons name, confirm please). When you click it, a link to your group appears in the channel you’re talking to. Left clicking this link will send info to the group’s leader with your level and class, followed by and options. If you right click the group request link, you will see asmall window of the current group setup (and a button to apply for the group). Typical use of this feature might involve linking a quest line or free text for clarification. (“Looking for warriors and healers for and but others may apply too ”)
18. split the stack:
you can split a stack of anything with SHIFT+ right click. Select / type a number for items to take away from the original stack and you now have two stacks.
19. buy the stack:
you can buy stacks of items from vendors (crafters ahoy), SHIFT +right click and type how many hundred you want etc.
20. “Tutty” is dead.
He’s passed on! This piggy is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker! He’s a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! His metabolic processes are now history! He’s off the twig! He’s kicked the bucket, he’s shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!!
21. Enjoy:
Take time to enjoy the lore and scenery. Someone else is going to beat you to the max level. F12 removes the UI for beautiful screenshots, but it will keep the FPS frame in view. Help beginners with locations, quests and whatnot. Craft if you want to. Open a private shop and sell your junk for pennies. What ever gets you relaxed? Just remember the bottom line: It’s us against them, not us against us.
22. finding stuff:
NPC’s, stores, mailbox etc can be found with the “ /where ” command (pathfinding). Like “/where mailbox”, “/where Mires”. It will not, however, find Tutty for you.
23. Useful misc:
once you get to capital (Sanctum), you can buy hats that show you all harvesting / gathering nodes nearby. You can also buy stuff like cowboy hat and sun-classes or a clown mask.
24. not so useful misc:
create a macro with “Charge” –emote and shout “For Tutty!!!”, create a Legion called “Avenger’s of Tutty” and become the most popular legion of your server. Ask around if anyone’s seen Tutty.
25. zone channels:
there are 10 different copies of the starter zone (open beta). i.e. instanced zones. You can swap between them once every 3mins (again, open beta). So if your mob is camped beyond belief, changes are another zone has it waiting for punishment. Great for the harvest nodes too btw. Guide here Aion: PowerWiki .
26. the other side:
if you haven’t already, take some time (when convenient) to check out the Asmodian side of things. You’ll need to select another server for that of course. There are some pretty amazing graphics there too.
27. Ascension:
as many have said here and in-game, the moment you hit lvl 9 (you had your next set of skill books with you of course), drop everything and do the Ascension –quest line immediately. You’ll gain the level 10 by the time you go back to Newbland to finish your quests there.
28. Capital (Sanctum):
after you’ve finished all your quest in the first zone and are ready to move to next, take some time to go around the Sanctum. Map is great and shows you many things but it might help if you make your own bookmarks to your map for future reference (vendors you will use, teleport statues, warehouse etc.) I guess I missed the “making your bookmarks” from the list earlier but in brief: open map, CTRL +right click a location, rename the location. Detailed instructions can be found on these forums.
29. DP: (divine Power and misc)
once you get your wings, don’t forget to buy your new lvl 10 abilites (missed that one at first) + follow up / finish the first 2 quests you get to Verteron (by teleport). You’ll get your first level 10 DP ability. Fun to have while finishing off your remaining quests.
30. Group:
learn to group early on. I’m sure people can level to max on their own eventually, but reaching the cap and then starting the curve on how your class works in a group is probably a bad idea. The first 20 levels don’t necessarily require you to group up with anyone but the sooner you start, the better you will get.

Aion Online Aggressive Mob Guide

Aggressive mobs can be a real pain when grinding in Aion Online MMORPG. The guide will give a brief tips in dealing with the aggressive mobs in the game.

Note: This guide was posted by tpg0007 of Aion Source Forums.

1. An aggressive normal mobs has an aggro radius of 8m when it’s within 5 levels of you. This radius shortens as you approaches the flank and back of the mob, from 7m to 2m. If you’re at least 10 levels higher than the mob it won’t aggro.
2. An aggroed mob will give up the chase after 7 secs if neither you or the mob is hit. If either is hit the timer will reset and become a little longer. Summonedmobs also follow this rule.
3. Similar mobs less than 8m apart will share the aggro target.
4. After a mob loses aggro, if it starts to walk back to the spawn location, it will aggro any player within the 8m radius along the way. But if it runs, then it won’t aggro anything before reaching the spawn location.
5. With few exceptions different species of mobs will not share aggro. Some species of mobs are linked though and will share aggro, such as master and pet.
6. When a mob tries to run away it will pick the opposite direction of its current target. You can affect the mob’s behavior by blocking this direction.
7. Healer mobs will cure and heal nearby mobs of their species. They will heal others and then themselves.
8. Mob skills that knockback or change your position may push you over an edge (except maybe fear).
9. To escape a mob AOE skill you must do so before the cast timer reaches 80%.
10. Humanoid mobs can call friendlies within 12m to help.

Aion Online Bans 16,000 Accounts

Aion Online with over 1 million units sold.

But with a game this popular you are also sure to see a large amount of bots. NCsoft is craking down and has banned 16,000 accounts. This should improve the gameplay for others at least for awhile.

Accounts were banned for use of third party software also known as botting, buying or selling gold, spamming, sharing of accounts, purchasing or selling accounts, power leveling, and any other violations of the terms of service.

Aion fragment of memory 1 walkthrough (Elyos)

You must be at least Level 26 to open or receive this quest. See Elyos 26 for more quests that can be started at this same level.
Quest Notes

To complete this quest, you must acquire a Temporal Stone. Design: Temporal Stone is available from Deucalion (PW/AA) in Teminon Fortress for 1,500 Abyss Points, but that is not the end. The Design requires Alchemy (199p) and the following materials (nested lines show sub-combines):

* Magic Power Crystal (3) (PW/AA)
o Elemental Water (20) (PW/AA)
+ Elemental Stone (1)
o Catalyst (1) (PW/AA) (sold by Darius in (Aion Zone)])
* Wisdom Stone (5) (PW/AA)
o Elemental Stone Powder (4) (PW/AA)
+ Elemental Stone (1)
o Catalyst (1) (PW/AA)
* Catalyst (11) (PW/AA)
* Aether Crystal (16) (Harvestable, with Extract Aether (100p) from a Big Vortex)

So, you will need Elemental Stone (80), Catalyst (91) (PW/AA), and Aether Crystal (16), and the services of a Rank III Alchemist.

There is an alternative. Temporal Stone (3) is also a reward from the quest, Defeat 5th Rank Asmodian Soldiers. I know, not much help, huh, but there it is.

You can also frequently find them on the Broker. On Fregion they usually cost about 80,000 Kinah .

Lugbug and the Artifact of the Inception are on Leibo Island, an unmarked island in the center of the Lower Layer of Reshanta.

Aion Online, Best Methods to Make Kinah

This tiptop Aion Kinah guide has really opened my eyes on the Kinah making aspect in Aion: Tower of Eternity. Not only it helped me fix my cash once and for all, it showed me a few great spots and Kinah making techniques that brought a few millions into my cube.
Therefore, I’m going to describe here, a few excellent ways to earn decent cash in this game, this Aion Kinah guide has taught me:
1. Coin Quests. There are too many of them write them all here. But as a general idea, all you need to do is find one coin quest giver close enough to a settlement (or a vendor) and implicitly close to the camp where it will send you to grind, and simply repeat the quest as many times possible. The mobs will also drop “food-for-the-vendor” items and sometimes In recent years, the dsi product has gained good reputation, so they have a lot of potential customers in international markKinah. As you turn in the quest, you will get the nice coinage bonus plus nice profits Are you interesed in exploring adventurous world? runescape will satisfy your desire for adventuring.if you sell the trash loot.
2. Grinding. This method can also bring a lot of cash if you know what to kill, where to kill, what to loot and what to sell. As a general idea, the Balaur mobs in the Abyss are great to grind on. They drop Kinah, nice items to sell at Brokers and they also give AP (Abyss Points). The Aion Kinah guide I’ve been working with has shown me quite a few great As the biggest manufacturer which specialize in producing solar panel, we have accumulated rich experience and gained a great share in the market.spots for Elyos and Asmodians.
3. Trade Broker Gambling. I call it gambling because you can also lose money applying this method. That’s why it’s indicated for those who already have a few millions. The base of this method is to buy low and sell high, everything that is on high demand at the brokers. This method can bring you nice profits with a minimum of time played, but if the prices for the stuff you sell drop over night you lose at this game.
These are just a few good ways to earn money in Aion Online. However, this Aion Kinah guide I’ve been The young wait in long queues to buy Aion kinah in cold winter morning.working with covers much more aspects of making Kinah in this game.
I hope these methods have helped you at least a little in getting the best gear, reagents, consumables, Stigmas or whatever quality items Kinah can buy in Aion Online. To learn more, I strongly suggest to take a look at the Aion Kinah Guide that’s been very helpful to me.

Aion gladiator weapons

It’s important that you know 5 things when you are leveling your gladiator. Where to go. Who to talk to What quests to accept. What to kill. What items to get. Once you know these 5 things then you’ll be able to power level your character. Also, it’s really important that you got area’s that aren’t too big, but not too small either and that’s having lots of good quests that you can do.

Aion Gladiator Guide – How To Make Kinah As A Gladiator

When you want to start making kinah and lots of it then there are 3 basic ways to do this. 1 – Use your professions. 2 – Grind items & materials that you can sell. 3 – Start completing quests in return for kinah. Also, you can combine these options. If you combine a profession with grinding then you can create expensive items that are more worth then the materials or items that you’ve obtained.

Aion Gladiator Guide – What Professions To Get As A Gladiator

Taking a professions is all depended on 3 things. Gear, kinah or PvP. Professions for: Gear: Weapon or Armorsmithing + A random other. Kinah: Alchemy + Cooking PvP: Armor or Weaponsmithing + Alchemy/Cooking In order to skill these professions up fast you should buy the materials on the Auction House. Sure, this costs Kinah but to grind the items will take you lots of time.

Aion Gladiator Guide – How To Dominate PvP As A Gladiator

In order to dominate PvP as a gladiator it’s a need to know your enemies. To do this you should monitor on your opponent’s moves. This way you will be able to see exactly when and how enemies of yours are using their ability’s.

Using The Aion Gladiator Guide

If you want step by step instructions & information that’s coming along with videos, screenshots, tutorials and maps about all these points then it’s highly recommended to get yourself the Aion Gladiator Guide.

Aion Speed Bows Attack

This list is organized by level in descending order for levels 49-30. This list does not include level 50 bows. This list is meant for quick reference.

Divine Dragon Bow
Zapiel’s Longbow
Drop: Watcher Zapiel, Heiron
Arheriman’s Longbow
Drop: Praetorius Artair, Heiron

Expeditionary Longbow
Kurngalfberg Protector’s Longbow

Alukina’s Meteor Bow
Drop: Queen Alukina, Beluslan

Heaven-shattering Longbow
Drop: Captain Lahbri, Upper Abyss

Elite Archon Centurion’s Longbow
Elite Guardian Centurion’s Longbow
Archon Centurion’s Longbow
Guardian Centurion’s Longbow
Expert Noble Durable Salix Bow
Expert Noble Durable Ulmus Bow
Expert Durable Salix Bow
Expert Durable Ulmus Bow

Chaos Longbow Drop: Chaos Dracus, Eltnen

Elite Archon Squad Leader’s Longbow
Elite Guardian Squad Leader’s Longbow
Noble Star Dragon’s Bow
Noble True Dragon’s Bow
Flash Longbow
L30 Daevanion

Contemplating Klaws Hearts Quest Guide

Race: Elyos.

Location: Heiron.

Quest Level 38: Contemplating Klaws Hearts.

Collect several varieties of Klaw Hearts and take them to Senea.

Klaw’s Defender Heart 3/3

Klaw’s Sentinel Heart 3/3

Klaw’s Gatherer Heart 3/3

Klaw’s Patrol Heart 3/3

Bug: Can’t turn in the quest, NPC doesn’t accept the items.

Aion Holycranium’s Rare Spawn List

All mobs that drop BoP items are on a 8 hour respawn, Octanu, Fire Canyon Guardian. Etc

Level 1-20

Level 2 – Squzii Ironfist

Level 4 – Hulker

Level 6 – Hammerhoof

Level – 8 Rusty Threehands


Level 13 – Elite – Gulux

Level 13 – Commander Mohen

Level 17 – Cheiftain Manumumu

Level 17 – Silverback Haku

Level 18 – Stoneskin Stoffu

Level 18 – Karate Ikid

Level 19 – Bluewing

Level 20 – Depthcharge

Level 20-30

Level 23 – Head Hamok

Level 23 – Azure Fungen

Level 25 – Captain Subaku

Level 26 – Elite – Klaw Spawnmaster

Level 26 – Elite – Klaw Spawnguard

Level 27 – Weeping Bigalia

Level 27 – Gigantic Sulfur Slime
Hit’s harder than a normal mob – Elite 1 dot.

Level 27 – Weary Fidelio

Level 27 – Queen Sper

Level 27 – Hero – King Zugog

Taran’s Cave

Level 27 – Elite – King Klawtun
Level 27 – Elite – Klaw Spawnlord
Level 28 – Hero – Queen Taran
Level 28 – Elite – Klaw Comitatus
Level 28 – Elite – Nanny Nuk

Level 29 – Octanu’s Second Spawn

Level 30 – Queen Octanu
8 Hour respawn
Level 30 Fire Canyon Guardian
8 Hour Respawn


Level 22 – Ripened Pucorn

Level 22 – Bakun the Zombified

Level 24 – Elite – Farmer Havenjark

Level 25 – Botanist Aello

Lower Abyss

These spawn at the same place
Level 26 – Deputy Lohan
Level 26 – Highmade Pasau
Level 26 – Highmage Nobris
Level 26 – Captain Semund
Level 26 – General Luhut
Level 26 – Lumion

Level 26 – Brigade General Akius

Level 27 – Elite – Neved the Forgotten

Level 27 – Imperturbable Kamon

Level 30 – The Everwatcher

Level 32 – Elite – Team Leader Lahu

Level 30-40

Level 30 – Elite – Craggy Lakrum

Level 30 – Elite – Arkanis Cornerstone

Level 30 – Elite – Ilaina Aetherleech

Level 31 – Elite – Sentinel Ulika

Level 31 – Elite – Soul Ripping Hazan

Level 32 – Lonely Tusker

Level 35 – Destroyer Hamitemon

Level 37 – Banished Farhir

Level 37 – Wanderer Kuunenar

Level 38 – abandoned Gerik

Level 38 – Elite – Hirmilden’s Tipolid

Level 39 – Steadfast Dalloki

Level 39 – Elite Queen Kint

Mist Mane Village

Level 38 – Seasoned Nunu Farmer
Level 39 – Hero – Cheiftain Nuaka
Level 40 – Elite – Greathealer Hamina
Level 40 – Elite – greatpriest Maropapa
Level 40 – Hero – Supervisor Harmilden
Level 40 – Hero – Cheiftain Muhamurru
Level 40 – Hero – Frostmane Lestin
Level 40 – Legendary – Grand Cheiftan Kasika


Level 32 – Clever Mahiki

Level 36 – Divine Shard

Level 36 – The Soulswallower

Level 36 – Captain Walkris

Level 36 – Elite – Ruby Jannsen

Level 37 – Archmage Megran

Level 37 – Elite – Officer Poretti

Level 37 – Elite – Demolitionist Horst

Level 38 – Captain Kirikren

Level 38 – Endangered Crasaur

Level 38 – Clever Alfi

Level 38 – Shadow Priest Jungan

Level 38 – Hero – Supervisor Magnis

Level 39 – Hero – Cheiftain Nuaka

Upper Abyss

Level 31 – Ragerock
Near a quest hub so not a great chance to find him

Level 32 – Purehorn

Level 33 – Poor Poevius

Level 34 – Elite – Merciless Ryugrad

Aion Cheats Aion Power Leveling Tips

Do aion power leveling can dictate how you progress in the future and gives you more power to compete with stronger heros and also inherit more abilities.It can be very frustrating to level your hero sometimes it can be slow and even put you off the game, but there is Aion leveling guides on the internet much like WoW does that teaches you how to level up fast and shows you how to do it and where you go to level up the fastest way possible. You might think these aion power leveling guides are just full of hacks and cheats codes but they actually contain tips and techniques from Aion gamers that have used these methods to level fast.

Aion Online Cheats

Aion Cheats Make 2 Million Kinah Per Hour!

Make 2 Million Kinah Per Hour,lEVEL 1 TO 50 in 30 Hours!

Aion Cheats and Exploits

Make 2 Million Kinah Per Hour,lEVEL 1 TO 50 in 30 Hours!

Aion Online Level Bot – The #1 Aion Bot