Aggressive mobs can be a real pain when grinding in Aion Online MMORPG. The guide will give a brief tips in dealing with the aggressive mobs in the game.
Note: This guide was posted by tpg0007 of Aion Source Forums.
1. An aggressive normal mobs has an aggro radius of 8m when it’s within 5 levels of you. This radius shortens as you approaches the flank and back of the mob, from 7m to 2m. If you’re at least 10 levels higher than the mob it won’t aggro.
2. An aggroed mob will give up the chase after 7 secs if neither you or the mob is hit. If either is hit the timer will reset and become a little longer. Summonedmobs also follow this rule.
3. Similar mobs less than 8m apart will share the aggro target.
4. After a mob loses aggro, if it starts to walk back to the spawn location, it will aggro any player within the 8m radius along the way. But if it runs, then it won’t aggro anything before reaching the spawn location.
5. With few exceptions different species of mobs will not share aggro. Some species of mobs are linked though and will share aggro, such as master and pet.
6. When a mob tries to run away it will pick the opposite direction of its current target. You can affect the mob’s behavior by blocking this direction.
7. Healer mobs will cure and heal nearby mobs of their species. They will heal others and then themselves.
8. Mob skills that knockback or change your position may push you over an edge (except maybe fear).
9. To escape a mob AOE skill you must do so before the cast timer reaches 80%.
10. Humanoid mobs can call friendlies within 12m to help.