Guide created by Foxy of Aionsource forums.
1. Find rift. Bel’s roof is the best one for this, as the quest dialogue suggests.
2. Use Locate function and talk to npc.
3. Complete quest with the help of Locate.
4. Turn in quest.
5. Go back to Betoni.
6. Find rift.
7. Complete quest with the help of dancing bears.
8. Go back to Betoni.
What you need is a well composed party that can handle pvp while killing elites, a nice kisk spot and a bit of luck that high levels aren’t going to make it difficult. I also recommend speed scrolls, ap pots, dispel pots, and having explored the top right quadrant of Heiron.
You might find that an alliance of high level elyos are killing one of the npcs you have to talk to. Go hide. Sometimes you’ll know when they killed it because someone got a gold item with the npc’s name on it.
Aion Tips for Rifting
Note: Guide created by Tiaga of Aionsource forums.
* Don’t wait for others to find the rift for you. Learn the rift locations, and how to get to them quickly to check.
Too often I see people spending a half hour asking in chat where the rifts are, when they could search all the places they could use in a few minutes. Notice that I said all they could use. Rifts have a level range, and typically if you are within the level range of the low level rifts, you will have trouble getting to the rifts with higher level caps, not to mention trouble getting out on the other side. I find that when you are in the level range for a region, typically there are 3-4 rifts that you can reasonably expect to use.
* Learn when rifts change. (Hint: It’s the same time as the fortress vulnerability changes, so you can open the Abyss map and mouse over a fortress to find out the next change.)
Some rifts are very popular and will be used up very quickly. Others are in spots the other side will find them quickly, and there will likely be campers once they figure it out.
* There is strength in numbers! But large forces also attract more attention quicker.
As a scout type, I found I had the best luck solo. I didn’t draw too much attention, I could be in and out of places quickly, and any reports on my location were liable to be all over the map and confusing. However, if I met any significant opposition I either had to go the other way, or I died. On the other hand a large force tends to draw out the natives to defend their land more than a few do. In my opinion, a small group tends to be the best option.
* Keep moving!
You know all those reports you hear people making about the location of enemy players? Oddly enough, they do that too. Once you run across ANY player (Even in some cases bots) assume everyone now has a nice little X on their map where you were spotted.
* Pay attention to the level of creatures.
Both because you may need to fight them or run if you attack them or for quests, and because players in that area are likely to be somewhat close to that level.
* Bring a kisk!
I try to keep a group kisk with me at all times in case I end up somewhere I’ll need it. Though somehow it always seems to end up in the bank when I need it. If you die on enemy land without a kisk, you will end up back on your home turf and you might not be able to get back. Don’t count on someone in your group rezzing you, because they may end up dead too.
* Don’t put your kisk somewhere stupid.
If you’re lucky, it would be destroyed. If you’re unlucky, they won’t touch it and will instead wait for something to come out, and get an easy kill when it does. Finding the right place can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know the landscape or what quests people would be doing and where they have to go for it.
* Don’t sit with your kisk too long! And don’t run back to it if you need to flee.
It doesn’t stick out on the minimap, but you do. If they see your dot and come after you, they will probably see it.
* Remember that you are not alone.
Other players are likely rifting as well. You have zone-wide general chat available to you the same as any other place.
* If you are near enemy players, they can see what you do in their chat box.
Obviously they see you talking and emotes, though the speech is garbled. However they can also see you doing other abilities. Even buffing up or going into hide shows up to enemies, and can be a tip off to an alert player that you are near.