1. “Tutty”
is the piggy BBQ in the small camp uphill, NW of mine area (check link).
2. “Ancient Cube”
is a small box laying on the ground in NE part of the mine, bit NW from Cauldron (check link)
3. Character creation :
Take your time to get your appearance right. In the end you’ll be covered in gear and only see your nose from time to time depending on your class, but still. There are options later on to change your appearance and gender (involving RL cash). Go ugly, go beauty or anything in between. Just please, no more Poon (image by Karrasx)
4. New char login:
Everyone has their own routine after logging in-game for the 1st time with new character (settings are not universal, ie. each character slot has own settings). Here’s my checklist in no particular order. Go over everything in options (at least once). I can’t remember most of the real names / terms on tabs.
a. move HUD to top of screen, show FPS, disable showing my own name
b. disable profanity filter, show all extra quick bars (2+1), show target of target,
c. disable auto-approach, disable full screen skill effects (priest +lightning = strobe),
d. disable casting sounds, keybind auto-forward (mouse4), select nearest ally (§),
e. keybind quickslots ctrl + 1 (Q), ctrl +2 (E), toggle flight /land (mouse5), didnt actually test this one but might involve dragging the action to a free quickslot +keybind to mouse
f. set chat text to small, drag the combat log to bottom-right, resize both to fit. Join
g. create chat radar, lock chat-windows to place (Guide: Avoiding Unwanted PvP in Aion )
h. arrange the starting items / skills to my preference around qbars + mandatory emotes (salute, sorry , clap, …) to the side.
5. harvesting:
while doing the 1st three quests in Newbland (plenty of guides and video material for that in these forums), be sure to start your harvesting habit, even if you’re never ever going to craft a thing. You’ll need to skill up harvesting to 15 during the first area for a quest. And if you get the skill to 10 before entering the 1st actual village you’ll also have one quest done beforehand (collect 10 Aria). The area around 3rd quest-NPC you’ll encounter is great area to level harvesting up to 15-20 in 5 minutes of running around.
6. Bind:
when entering Akarios Village, remember to bind there by the Obelisk on your left. As you level up and move to the next camp (Outpost), bind there (ie. bind in the area you’re doing your quests mostly, you can always run / fly / teleport to other areas if needed)
7. “Tutty”
is the poor-dead-roasting-on-fire-piggy BBQ in the small camp uphill, NW in mines area.
8. skillbooks:
always anticipate the coming level-up. When in town, visit your trainer and buy the skillbooks for next level in advance so you can keep on questing when the Ding hits you.
9. healing:
if you can’t heal, get bandages by the dozens. If you can afford it (in few levels) keep a steady supply of HP/MP (if needed) potions too. And the food /drinks are great temp buff too, thou I tend to forget that often.
10. rest:
sitting down is not resting (/sit = conjure up the chair and sit). The default key for actual rest is comma “,”. In the first 10levels resting is pretty fast way to regenerate.
11. more damage:
power shards (+10 dmg) help, but in the beginning you’re always going to run out of them. A stack of 1000 costs big pennies for beginners. Using them “as needed” helps a lot and won’t waste them on every single fight.
12. save you pennies:
mainly from Priest / Mage side of things, don’t waste your money on weapons and armors. For melee’s it may be a good idea to keep both up to level, but you’ll end up with replacements soon enough during first 10levels.
13. plan ahead:
Side note to Clerics (Priests): whenever you get a change to select a Chain armor as quest reward, do so. You’ll be wearing them at lvl 10 in no time.
14. chatting:
keep the public channels in their original language please. For EN servers, use English if you can. If you can’t, join a language channel of your choice and hammer away with the questions. Nothing wrong with looking for help in your native language in region chat etc. but keep it civilized and respect the majority. Side note: the class-channels are great way to gain insight & tips to your chosen class.
15. chat-link:
LFG channel (/3) is great to find help for specific quests. You can link a quest from your questlog with CTRL +right click. Works on things in your inventory or vendors too btw.
16. shopping preview:
CTRL + left click is for item preview (only your inventory or vendor, probably for private shops too)
17. LFG:
in the social window (defaut = V) there’s a button on bottom left “Group Request” (forgot the actual buttons name, confirm please). When you click it, a link to your group appears in the channel you’re talking to. Left clicking this link will send info to the group’s leader with your level and class, followed by
18. split the stack:
you can split a stack of anything with SHIFT+ right click. Select / type a number for items to take away from the original stack and you now have two stacks.
19. buy the stack:
you can buy stacks of items from vendors (crafters ahoy), SHIFT +right click and type how many hundred you want etc.
20. “Tutty” is dead.
He’s passed on! This piggy is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker! He’s a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace! His metabolic processes are now history! He’s off the twig! He’s kicked the bucket, he’s shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!!
21. Enjoy:
Take time to enjoy the lore and scenery. Someone else is going to beat you to the max level. F12 removes the UI for beautiful screenshots, but it will keep the FPS frame in view. Help beginners with locations, quests and whatnot. Craft if you want to. Open a private shop and sell your junk for pennies. What ever gets you relaxed? Just remember the bottom line: It’s us against them, not us against us.
22. finding stuff:
NPC’s, stores, mailbox etc can be found with the “ /where
23. Useful misc:
once you get to capital (Sanctum), you can buy hats that show you all harvesting / gathering nodes nearby. You can also buy stuff like cowboy hat and sun-classes or a clown mask.
24. not so useful misc:
create a macro with “Charge” –emote and shout “For Tutty!!!”, create a Legion called “Avenger’s of Tutty” and become the most popular legion of your server. Ask around if anyone’s seen Tutty.
25. zone channels:
there are 10 different copies of the starter zone (open beta). i.e. instanced zones. You can swap between them once every 3mins (again, open beta). So if your mob is camped beyond belief, changes are another zone has it waiting for punishment. Great for the harvest nodes too btw. Guide here Aion: PowerWiki .
26. the other side:
if you haven’t already, take some time (when convenient) to check out the Asmodian side of things. You’ll need to select another server for that of course. There are some pretty amazing graphics there too.
27. Ascension:
as many have said here and in-game, the moment you hit lvl 9 (you had your next set of skill books with you of course), drop everything and do the Ascension –quest line immediately. You’ll gain the level 10 by the time you go back to Newbland to finish your quests there.
28. Capital (Sanctum):
after you’ve finished all your quest in the first zone and are ready to move to next, take some time to go around the Sanctum. Map is great and shows you many things but it might help if you make your own bookmarks to your map for future reference (vendors you will use, teleport statues, warehouse etc.) I guess I missed the “making your bookmarks” from the list earlier but in brief: open map, CTRL +right click a location, rename the location. Detailed instructions can be found on these forums.
29. DP: (divine Power and misc)
once you get your wings, don’t forget to buy your new lvl 10 abilites (missed that one at first) + follow up / finish the first 2 quests you get to Verteron (by teleport). You’ll get your first level 10 DP ability. Fun to have while finishing off your remaining quests.
30. Group:
learn to group early on. I’m sure people can level to max on their own eventually, but reaching the cap and then starting the curve on how your class works in a group is probably a bad idea. The first 20 levels don’t necessarily require you to group up with anyone but the sooner you start, the better you will get.