Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Aion Armory Cheats Guide

Aion Armory Code Guide

We have the Aion Armory code installed which enables you to post Skills, Weapons, Items and all that stuff.

To post a spell you use the following:



An example:

[spell]sleep I[/spell]

Sleep I

You can display this in 3 sizes.

[spell=full-small]sleep I[/spell]
[spell]sleep I[/spell]
[spell=full-large]sleep I[/spell]

Sleep I

Sleep I

Sleep I

How to link text to a skill or item.

What if I wanted only show text.

Noble Durable Steel Hauberk For example.

You can display text only by using:

[spell=text]Sleep I[/spell]

If I want to have something like this: My hauberk

I simply link my text to the COMPLETE aion armory code. In this case it would be: http://www.aionarmory.com/item.aspx?id=110500434

The same goes for for items [Items] , NPC's [npc], and quests [quest]

To post crafting recipes you can use:
[recipe]Cook: Banana Cocktail[/recipe]
Cook: Ormea Cocktail

Same goes for weapon designs:
[recipe]Craft: Expert's Strengthened Orichalcum Greatsword[/recipe]
Craft: Expert Durable Orichalcum Greatsword

Mind you that you have to add the full name of the design. So in case of the examples, don't forget: "Cook: " and "Craft: "


Some items or skills share the same name but aren't the same. In that case you may want to use the ID of the skill or item.
An example. The armory has different listings for asmodian and elyos armor.

Noble Durable Steel Hauberk

Currently this item shows as Elyos and not Asmodian. If I would like the asmodian version i would link to the ID of the item.

So how does this work?
The link to the item I would like to display is the following:
Notice the "id=" at the end of the url. Copy this code and paste it in between the tags.


Noble Durable Steel Hauberk

Please use ID's as much as possible
I would advice everyone to use ID's as much as possible since this has the smallest margin of error.

Integration within the editor
Bunny has been so nice as to make our lives easier and has integrated the tags within our text editor so that we can just click the icon to place tags around some tags. The following icons are used:

-[spell] tags
-[item] tags
-[quest] tags
-[npc] tags
-[recipe] tags

To use these just type the skill you want. For example Smite I.
Select the text and then click this icon .
The editor will then place the selected text between the tags like this:

[spell]Smite I[/spell]