Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Free Aion bot: Maxus Minimax

Most recent version: Maxus Minimax 9.6.3

- fixed all major issues... should run smooth !
- gather stuff while fighting ( on Walkpath or Ghostwalkpath )
- flight mode added (gather Aether ^^ ) .. (fighting in flightmode untested)
- Fight on spot is back
- works best fully setup!!
- MemWriting used for flying mode...
- 100% Trojan/Spyware/virus free (coded with AutoIt3 )
- 100% for Free and will always be
- Updated frequently
- Save/load profiles
- Waypoints & Ghostpoints (waypoints AT camp and ghostpoints TO camp )
- Release corps / Quit Aion / Shutdowntimer /Shutdown Pc
- Recorder for WPs & GPs
- Load offsets for your Aion version (offset for official server included)
- Nearly real-time triple Anti-stuck ( wp > wp / wp > mob / sight )
- Agro/link detection (after looting and moving from WP > WP )
- Give your bot an unique name (rename the .exe too !! )
- Randomize all wait timers (anti bot protection)
- Blacklist mob names
- Whitelist mob names
- Use Postcast for HP and MP only if needed (set triggers)
- Moves to optimal fighting range ( Min and MaxDist )
- Calculates optimal WP/GP (skips if to close or too far )
- Emergency cast
- Buff System
- Remembers your last keyset/camp -> once set up: Start exe and run bot

System Requirements:
Win XP / Vista / Win7 in Admin mode
(version 7 is 32bit only )
(Confirmed running on: Tiny XP / P4 2.6GHz / 768MB RAM / 333er Bus o.O )

How does the bot work:
While running to the next WP the bot is Tabbing to seek for a valid
target... once found:

it gets in distance > Buffs up > Precast > Battle Sequence loop until the mob is dead (emergency checks) ...
it will autom. loot > agro check > Postcast HP > Postcast MP > REGenerateHP/MP? > moves to next WP


- The bot ONLY READS from memory (writes in fly mode ! )

- The bot only works with Aion Client in Focus (no background mode )

- Make sure to ENABLE auto approach target in Option

- Use standard Keyboard setup in Aion (movement keys and mousewheel click)

- At first Start input a Botname on Misc layer , Keysetname on Basic layer

- Make sure you are near 30m of a Waypoint for "Runbot" and near a Ghostpoint for "Go to camp"

- Most of the input files have tooltips if you hover over with the mouse! (input sec, min etc?)

- Use WP/GP recorder or set points manual with Keypad + and - key (set points every 5-10m)$

- For Instant cast time input like 600-1000ms

- The bot only fights mobs above lvl3

- After manual edit of the battle sequence (ini file) don’t forget to save it and refresh the list in bot

- Fighting on spot fixed (you can even Setup GPs to a Camp with 0 Wps

- If you play on a Private Server you need to load the right offsets for that version

- Bot will attack targets within your Max distance set +20m (36m is max distance you can target a mob with tab )

- Set your max range to your pulling distance ( voke like 13m , mage abilities up to 23m )

- Combo input box -> set how many times you want to spam the same button

- check tooltips if you need to input values in min. , sec. or millisecond.

- Casttime = Time THE BOT should wait until he moves to the next attack in line

- Cooldown = Time that needs to pass until the bot will do this attack again

- As you see timer have not much to do with the in game timers ( Bot-timer >= in game timer )

Samples for Setup with a mage (sorc.):

CT = Time to wait until next Attack
CD = How often do you want the bot to cast it (for me 35sec = once per fight / depends on mob lvl etc)

Precast: Ice Chain combo to Frozen Shock
Ice Chain Casttime 2sec , Cooldown 10sec
Frozen Shock CT 0 sec , CD 30sec

Now if you count the sec how long it takes after finishing casting
and the Combo item starts blinking in your attack bar.. thats about
1 sec for this combo..

Now put this together...

-> CT: 2200 ( 2000ms would be enough but see below **)
-> CD: 10 ( 10sec for CD of first spell .. use 30 for only full chain)
-> Combo: 2 (After casting it needs 1sec for combo to be read)
( 2 x 1/4 Casttime of 2200 are about that 1 sec... so input 2 ... )
(** I took 2200 instead of 2000 for smoother combos)


Attack1: Stoneskin CT: Instant CD: 2min
Buff Last: 5min or 600damage (600 dmg is first so spam every 2min)

-> CT: 800 (Instant = 800 casttime ... always !! )
-> CD: 121 ( 121 sec = ca. 2 min ... )
-> Comb: x (No Combo used ... X it out )
-> Max: (Ticked Max cause I want to use stoneskin far away..)


Attack2: Delayed Blast CT: 2sec CD: 30sec

-> CT: 2000
-> CD: 40 ( 40 cause I don’t kill the mob within 30sec.. but nvm)
-> Max: (ticked cause it’s a ranged spell)


Attack3: Robe of Flame CT: 0sec CD: 10sec Last: 30min

-> CT: 800 (cause its instant...)
-> CD: 1800 ( input 30min in sec as buff duration)


Attack4: Flame Harpoon CT: 2sec CD: 6sec

-> CT: 2000
-> CD: 6


Attack5: Flame Bolt CT: 2sec CD: 1sec Combo !!

-> CT: 2200 ( a bit more to tune smoother combo)
-> CD: 6 (if you take the real 1 sec it will only spam Atck5..
take 6 like lowest in serie)
-> Combo: 4 (Equals a double combo... higher value longer combo)
