AngelBot is project that was started to offer a viable alternative to NoFap. AngelBot is currently in heavy development.
Home page:
AngelBot features:
* FREE of cost (and will always be free)
* Memory reading based – Not an injection bot. Uses a virtual keyboard to interact with Aion just like you would for safety & security.
* Super efficient, with minimal CPU usage.
* Automated hunting, looting, resting.
* background mode (And movement!) without injection (Coming soon!)
* Healing and Buffing supported (Buffing not fully functional yet)
* Advanced AI with full aggro/add detection.
* Ranged class support
* Uses HP & MP pots.
* Uses Bandages or Herb/Mana Treatment after combat
* Can execute complex chain moves in perfect sequence
* Simplistic easy-to-use GUI, complete with transparency and “Always on top” functionality.
* Anti-Killstealing detection
* Exclude mobs by name or level. (Leaves those critters alone!)
* Advanced waypoint system:. record, save, clear, load, edit & death paths. (accepts NoFap format)
* Advanced AI with Anti-Stuck detection, and auto Return to bind after user specified interval. (Under development)
* Save different profiles for each character (Under development)
Anyone familiar with NoFap will have an easy time setting up AngelBot. AngelBot accepts many of the same .ini configuration settings that NoFap does, in addition to being compatible with it’s waypoint files.
* AngelBot does NOT share any code with NoFap. (No “Stolen” code)
* AngelBot does NOT include any malware, see the virustotal report here
* AngelBot does NOT include any networking code, and thus never attempts to connect to the internet.
Virustotal Result: 0/40 (0%)